Terms of Service

This is the TOS for JZedit cloud IDE managed server

Alpha notice

This software/service is in early development. This means there will be possible bugs and issues. And features might be added or removed.

Contact & support

You can send e-mail to editor@webtigerteam.com.

Uptime & SLA

Servers are monitored 24/7 with a technician on site or on call, you can expect 99% uptime or better.

We will help you with issues related to the cloud IDE or hardware. And will take care of software updates.

Limitation of liability

In no event, unless required by law, will we, the authors, copyright holders, or service providers, be liable for any damages arising from the use or inability to use the software, including by not limited to loss of data, data corruption, service downtime, or program failure. Even if adviced of the possibilities of such damages.